What’s Really Behind Israel’s Battle with Hamas

Two thousand years ago God gave us the greatest gift of all, His gift of love, mercy, and grace through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. One day, and I believe very soon, Jesus will return to rapture out the Church and ultimately to gloriously establish a Kingdom of righteousness on the earth.

However, for now we live in a depraved and sin filled world. In recent weeks we have been reminded of the depths of this depravity in graphic detail as Hamas terrorists stormed the borders of Israel and barbarically massacred hundreds of innocent Israeli citizens

Their ultimate desire is to see the land utterly purged of Jews with their hate-filled chants being nothing less than a rallying cry to the armies of the Islamic world to join together to annihilate the Jews and turn the land of Israel into an Islamic state. Devoid of any biblical perspective, much of the world views the conflict in the Middle East as just the latest uprising in an ongoing battle between ancient peoples fighting over long lasting grievances.

At its core this conflict is part of an epic “unseen” spiritual war that has raged since the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden. It’s a war between good and evil, between God and Satan. The destiny of humanity, and planet Earth itself, hangs in the balance. The city of Jerusalem is ground zero in this epic war, and the Temple Mount is the coveted prize.

Will Satan and his offspring, the Antichrist, successfully usurp the throne that rightly belongs to God’s Son, and claim Jerusalem as his capital?

After the fall in Genesis, God pronounced a curse upon Satan for his deception of humanity, declaring that a Seed would one day come to crush Satan’s seed. That Seed, Jesus the Messiah would be born through the lineage of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and King David.

To Abraham and his descendants, God not only promised to pour out His divine blessing, He also covenanted to give them a land that would be their everlasting inheritance.

Knowing this Promised Seed would ultimately crush his head, Satan implemented a strategy to destroy the people (the Jews) who would give birth to that Seed.

Throughout history Satan attempted to use successive Gentile world powers to either annihilate the Jews or assimilate them through their intermarriage into pagan cultures so they would cease to be an ethnically identifiable nation.

One after another, the Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medo-Persians, Greeks, and Romans each rose to power and were used as pawns in Satan’s diabolical strategy. The Jewish people were repeatedly attacked, taken into captivity, forced from the land God had given them as an everlasting inheritance, and relentlessly persecuted. And yet, each time God miraculously preserved His covenant people and brought them back to their land.

Finally, at God’s appointed time, Israel gave birth to the Seed, the One promised in Genesis 3. And yet the Jewish people continued to be the obsession of Satan’s hatred.

At the hand of the Romans, they were again expelled from their land. For two thousand years they wandered the earth without a home, and without a place to be at rest.

But Satan wasn’t satisfied. In yet another attempt to wipe God’s Chosen People from the face of the earth, he devised a plan that would be implemented through Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. He intended it to be his “final solution” for the extermination of the Jewish people. But despite the horrors of the Holocaust, Satan’s plan failed. And from the ashes of tragedy, God once again brought His Chosen People back to their ancient homeland. Miraculously, after nearly 2,000 years, the nation of Israel was reborn in 1948.

And today we see Satan continuing his wicked and relentless assault on the Jewish people. He knows that Jesus Christ, who came the first time to offer Himself as a sacrificial Lamb on the cross of Calvary for the sins of humanity, will soon return, first at the Rapture of the Church to the earth, then at the end of the Tribulation Period (Satan’s final attempt to destroy the Jews), He will return on the earth with His bride, the Church, as the Lion of Judah, the greater Son of King David – and the legitimate heir to the throne of Israel.

At His first coming, Jesus “came to his own, and those who were His own did not receive Him” (John 1:11). But did God decide to cast off His people and nullify the unconditional covenants He made Abraham and his descendants (Abrahamic Covenant, Palestinian Covenant, Davidic Covenant, New Covenant) because of their rejection of Jesus at His first coming? In Romans 11:1-2 we are told that “God has not rejected His people.” And regarding God’s covenant promise of an eternal land inheritance given to His Chosen People, In Psalm 105:8-11 King David states that “God has remembered His covenant forever…an everlasting covenant: Saying, to you I will give the land of Canaan, as the portion of your inheritance.”

The current war in Gaza, and the future conflicts that will be fought throughout the Middle East, are rocketing the world even closer to the ultimate showdown to the time when Satan’s fury will be unleashed, and all the powers of Hell will come against the Jews and Jerusalem.

But in the approaching darkest hour, when it seems all hope is lost, Israel’s long-awaited Warrior, Jesus the Messiah, will descend from above in radiant majesty to vanquish the forced of evil. In that day, He will stand victoriously.

Will you and those you love be on the winning side of history? Trust Jesus as your Savior. The Bible states that if we will believe with our heart and confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus, we shall be saved. Embrace Him with all your heart. Be a bold and faithful ambassador for Him. Watch carefully as prophecy continues to rapidly unfold in this relentless war between good and evil, between God and Satan, and Jesus return draws very near as the final Church period, the Laodicean period, ends, the rapture of  the Church takes place and then the final on slot of evil against Isarel, and the final battle of Armageddon, and the setting up of the 1000 year reign and beyond begin.